Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back-tracking, but catching up!

Sadly, we haven't kept our blogging up to date as planned! My plan (Peggy) is to update weekly, but here it is, a month since our last (and first) post. Be patient - I'm working on it!

Today I want to post some pictures from Feb. 2nd, when thousands of Uruguayans gathered on the beaches to honor Yemanja, the goddess of the sea. Philip wrote about what we observed in our February newsletter. (If you've found your way to this blog but don't receive our monthly newsletter/prayer calendar, please let me know!).
Uruguay is known as the most secular culture in all of South America, yet yearly thousands gather to send out their "prayers" and "sacrifices" to Yemanja, a tradition that made its way to Uruguay by way of Brazil and Africa. We felt such spiritual oppression and sadness as we walked along the beach.

Playa Ramírez (Ramírez Beach)

Preparing the Sacrifices to the goddess of the sea

People line up to be "blessed" or "cleansed" by the practitioners of this religion. One lady told me, "Oh, I'm a Christian, I'm an evangelical. But I live near this beach and come every year to watch. It's so beautiful when the boats go out with their lighted candles at midnight. I always get blessed by one of the 'priests' - it can't hurt!"

Taking the sacrifices to sea

Assorted images

Here's a short video - the music shows the Brazilian influence of the religion of Yemanja.

1 comment:

stan said...

Thanks for the update and now we know better how to pray for you.

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